Genesis Manufacturing Breakthrough

Hi there, Gus Givens here with some exciting news for those of you following the Genesis War effort.

Late last night the Coalition Scientists in collaboration from the A.R.C group managed to leverage the huge volume of A.I Code fragments that have been collected in the last few days. This lead to a Genesis manufacturing breakthrough.

In fact so excited were the scientists that they attempted to upload the entire database of new code in one go! This worked to a degree, and has seen the drastic reduction in some cook times for Genesis Aurora plans and the bulk increase in units created from said plans.

Another side affect was a staggering boost to the active Aurora’s at the time, making them finalise ALL their current builds. After evaluation it was decided to throttle this back to norms and only those items that were activity cooking at the time were completed.

But none the less this means that most of the Aurora Plans have been given a massive reduction in cook time and increases in output.

There is also news filtering through that a new Genesis Deployment Upgrade has been created allowing for an extra Five Genesis slots on a single genesis plot. Also news on some heavy weight A.I upgraded power generators for the Genesis systems.

As for the war effort, so far over 31,000 enemy AI units have been destroyed by joint ground and space deployments. The Coalition Council is amazed at the level of support, and the commanders on the ground are very grateful for the units to deploy.

At this time if looks like the ground campaign on Toyila over in Talsamar will be the first toll roll to campaign stage two.

Gus Givens
ISN News Desk

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