Genesis Buddy & Boost

Today sees the release of two new Genesis add-ons. The first a few of you spotted late yesterday.

First up – More Buddies
We have expanded the Buddy screen enabling us to add more buddies over time. Today sees the addition of a ‘Genesis Buddy’ Wild Bill as he’s affectionately known will travel with your deployment (each time) and seek out resources the AI may have stashed away. As always the loot is from all walks of life so expect anything. As always the loot is stashed in the Buddy Stash house (linked on CE Guides left hand tab) for when you need it.

You can check out the Buddies and the Buddy Booster OVER HERE

Deployment Booster
Meanwhile the actions of the player base have unlocked the next Genesis Fragment Plan. Its a A.I Genesis Deployment Booster building. Once deployed it gives ANY new deployment a 3% boost to its bonus value. This is along side any bonus the deployment may have of its own. What’s more once deployed you gain a new research option allowing you to increase the boost bonus as you go along!

The A.I Genesis Deployment Booster can be purchase in the CE Store OVER HERE or with AI Fragments and then built by your own Aurora.


P.S we will pad out the empty Buddy slots over the year, you have already made a few suggestions, but we are always happy to hear others.


  1. Galfling says:

    Personally I have 3 buddies, who found thousands resources for me. One I can tell you: buy a buddy for yourself today!

  2. Wifly says:

    I really love the idea of a Buddy- mining is lonely work!

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