GalFed Science Station Breakthrough

Hi there Folks, Gus Givens here bringing you news on a scientific breakthrough in the Expanse!

Those boffins over at GalFed Science Station 1 have managed to figure out how to advance Human Settlements in the Expanse to Level Six. Up till now a lock had been in place stopping captains from attempting this due to technical issues that in previous testing went drastically wrong.

But today heralds the start of a new period in Expanse inter race diplomatic relations, as the lock is removed for Expanse Settlements to level to Six. There are even rumors that the scientific research crew are already working in tandem with the Coalition science committee to release level 7 to the expanse at the same time as they do normal human non expanse settlements. Exciting times for sure!

For now captains with level five Settlements should check their research screens for the exact details required to level to six. Meet those requirements then form an orderly queue outside Ellie Durrants office over on San Ferran in Descarte. She will issue the level six licnese and also has this morning taken delivery of a large collection of new Level Six Expanse buildings.

More from us here at the ISN News Desk later

Gus Givens

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