Galactic Emporium View – Stats Portal

I have added the G.E.V to the Stats Portal today. Akin to the existing Player Market view it lists the last 1,000 items added to the Galactic Emporium. It lists them with latest added items first.

Again due to limitations on page widths I’ve added as much data as I can including system and Galaxy to help you make a more discerned decision when shopping.

Hopefully this will help you access the G.E.V whilst not logged in. Perhaps at work or somewhere you simply can’t be seen playing CE :) For those wondering where the G.B.M view went, that’s now on the second tab of the main landing page so check out the ‘More Stats 1’ Tab.


P.S this view is still filtered the same way as the in game list in that it only displays those Emporiums that have an Emporium Advertising license.

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