Galactic Emporium – Released

This is a fairly quick post to say that we have added a new feature to the game today. There is a Primer Guide over HERE in the Guides Section but I will go over the general release here. I heavily suggest reading the primer before plunging headlong in to Emporiums.

The Galactic Emporium

An overview – What is it?
Up till now in Core-Exiles your choices for ‘unattended selling’ items was pretty much the Player Market. Over time this has become used less and less for a variety of reasons and never really worked that well in the first place for what players wanted.

The Galactic Emporium is a place where you can open a Store all of your own. This store is a permanent testament to your sales ability and offers you the chance to place items on sale at a price you see fair. You can add stacks of items and your visitors can buy the stack or just one or two or as many as reside in the stack.

For those of you that craft this type of store is a great boon. Also for those of you that have 100’s of items you wish you could put up on sale and not have to worry about them – this is for you.

In time this will replace the Player Market. We will give plenty of notice before that happens but for now get to grips with the Emporium and all it offers and we will keep you informed on the demise of the Player Market.

Galactic Emporium Building
For those who would like to add a Galactic Emporium to their settlement you need to run off to JR Galactic. You will find they now stock said building for deployment for any set over level 4. Some nice bonuses include no staff, no costs and it runs off its own energy so no syphoning from your grid.

Settlement – Player Market Owners
For those of you that already own Settlements with open Player Markets we have given you a belated Christmas Present :)
I suggest you read and digest the post over in the Settlement Section of the forums.

Festive Store & CE Store Features
We have already added the Emporium Licenses to the Festive Store and I can already see a few stores popping up. I’ll do my best to get the CE store features added as soon as possible but bear with me its been along week and a looooong day :)

Now go read the Primer :)

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