First Player Derelicts – Released!

First off a big thanks to those of you that have been busy working your butts off on more player Derelicts. This release is the first of those that have been submitted by players and gone through a development process to reach the live server.

This release adds 286 new locations inside new derelicts and marks the release of the first Medium sized derelicts. There are more under development and I know a few of you are studiously working on larger ones for submission.

Those of you with the correct equipment attached to your ship will now have the ‘chance’ to find some of the new Medium sized derelicts.

Please note if using a medium scanner / collar you will have the chance of finding anything within that range / mix.

As more derelicts pass through the design / submission and development stages I will continue to add them to the games mix of derelicts.

In the mean time hats off to those that have already managed to get their first derelicts on to live!


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