Drone Point Expander Option

It’s been a busy 24 hours here with the addition of a new Faction, the release of new Advanced Drones and Merlin Refinery devices, not to mention the Advanced Refinery interface system. But I needed to add one more thing to round off the latest set of additions.

Drone Point Expander – Account Upgrade
The option to increase your max Drone Points. Up till now the max Drone Points allowed was 10. This has now been raised to 15 by the additions of an account upgrade. This can be purchased from the CE StoreĀ Over HERE

You can review if you have the account upgrade from your Player Bio under the Upgrades Tab. This add-on will be open all year round, but can only be added to an account once.

Don’t forget CE is driven by support from its players. Your support keeps me hammering away at the code face day in day out all year long. We have some great plans for CE this coming year bringing all the current story lines together (with your help).


One Comment

  1. dark empathy says:

    This is great! I can now have a third as much ore, and when I get the drone points to handle sme of those advanced drones it’ll be even better.

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