Corporation Buddy – Active

Today sees the release of the Corporation Buddy. To say it was a pain to wrangle in is a major understatement lol. But I didn’t give up and have today added the latest Buddy to the ones you can add to your accounts.

This Buddy offers the usual ‘Buddy Loot’ for your Corp Crew members but also two more additions which will prove very useful long term for any serious Corporation.

Here’s the Bumf from the CE Store :

Buddy – Corporation

Once active on your account the Corporation Buddy has a multi purpose role to play. Adding the following affects ALL your corporation locations / actions on that account.

1: The Buddy automatically adds an additional 20% to your Corp XP income from your completed Crew Contracts.

2: The Buddy also reduces Build Times by an amazing 50%! Once active on your account the times of any new builds will be shown with the 50% reduction already active. This does not affect any ‘current’ builds prior to the addition of the buddy.

3: The Buddy acts like other ‘Loot’ based buddies and Aids your Crew when out on Contracts and looks out for special loots.

Your new buddy will scan for crates and then unpack them and place what he finds in the ‘Buddy Stash’. Therefore you don’t need to worry ‘where the items went’ or if you had space etc.

Your Corporate Buddy will of course stash the items in the Buddy Stash. But a Corporate Log entry is created for you so you can easily review whats been located.

The Buddy Stash can then be viewed at any time via the left hand ‘CE Guides Tab’. You can review what’s in the Buddy stash at any time but you must be Docked at a location with a Commercial Store to transfer items out of the stash. (select how many input system).

You can store as much as you like in the stash (from Buddy Loots) so you can leave items there to pile up and drag them out when you need them, or move them when it best suits you.

Note: Buddies find crates from destroyed ships, lost loots and generally flotsam that is floating out there in the great Universe. You may find just about ANYTHING (resource wise) in a crate so don’t be surprised !

You can review which of the buddies you have under the ‘View Assets ‘ tab and then selecting ‘Buddy Review’

Please Remember you may only own ONE of EACH. If purchasing for an Alt or another Captain please state clearly at the time of purchase.

You can Purchase the Buddy at the CE Store OVER HERE


One Comment

  1. Korthen says:

    Really like how the Corp Buddy adds to the combat loot when running security missions. Means getting small amounts of rare loot, which over a week+ adds up.

    Capt Korthen

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