Coops Challenge 10 – Arrives!

Coops Challenge Number 10!

OK, the Tenth Coops Challenge is now Active. For those who have not played before this is where I have laid out a series of challenges for players to complete. Each challenge has at least three stages and for EACH stage that’s completed, I add 500 Fuel to an end total of Fuel you will get in the form of a Fuel Ticket.

If you were to complete ALL the challenges this time around that would amount to a Ticket for 26,500 fuel! (for EVERY player that took part).

Mech War Begins
I will also be shortly letting the Mech Pirates lose in the Mech arena. There are three Pirate Captain with several thousand Mechs waiting in the hanger bay for combat. These will be dropped 24 X 7 over the next 2 weeks. Killing these works towards three of the Coops Challenge stages, not to mention some cool prizes along the way for certain kills (see the Competition Thread section of the forums).

You can review the Current Mech War OVER HERE

Coops Goodie Bag
Then there is the Coops Goodie Bag. Once the first stage is completed I will ‘Begin’ The Goodie Bag post. This goodie bag grows and grows each day as the stages are completed. The day after the comp closes I will award Everyone that took part whatever is in the Goodie bag!

Check out the GOODIE BAG Over here.

Coops Challenge Reward Tokens
We also have the Reward Tokens to be collected and handed in. Another three-stage process for you to add towards. These tokens will appear next to your current collections of November festive items. These are handed out by the Festive ticker, all you have to do is PLAY. The more you play the more you stand a chance of collecting them.

Hand them in at the Coops Challenge Offices and not only add to the stages but also get some Festive Points. You can find them in the following locations.

Aurelia – ARK-09 – Furnace
Blake – Lucious Port – Furnace
Descarte – Messor – Sphere
Elmquae – Habitat-87 – Verec-per
Ethan – Darius – Sphere
Feris – Haven – Sphere
Franklyn – Yeltsim – Sphere
Gainsboro – Pyragles Base – Sphere
Kirzhach – Starbase-140 – Furnace
Metri – Janus Station – Furnace
Mork – Mindy – Furnace
Mostony – Edana – Verec-per
Oengo – Otaio – Verec-per
Pevek – Trade Hub 59- Furnace
Sunrise – Zwanziq Station – Sphere
Tantas – Yonartthakr – Expanse
Trantor – Fujimori – Anvil
Xellum – Jaworski – Anvil
Yam – Sabian – Expanse
Zarante – Berolina – The Forge

You can access the Coops Challenge stats table at any time from in-game via the ‘CE Guides’ tab or out fo game OVER HERE

Christmas Token Boost

For Each Challenge level achieved I will add 75,000 Credits to the Value of a Christmas Reward Token! So the more challenges you complete the more the Christmas Reward Tokens will be valued at come December the 1st!

You’ll need to work together and work hard to get all the challenges done in time, but at 75K per stage completed you still win a massive boost to the Tokens come December the 1st!

Have fun folks and keep an eye on the Chat for rewards and prizes being given away by myself and the staff and for special Mech kills!

P.S if you want to help out with the Wrecks (ships) I created THIS PAGE to help with this. It’s available all year round but figured it might help :)



  1. Robert Smalls says:

    This was a good event. I hope we have another competition like this one again soon.

  2. Samudra says:

    I like we can beat AI again this challenge. All 3 stages!!
    Nice event, thank you Coops, Devs & Staffs.

    captain samudra here

  3. Geistware says:

    Well, this challenge was the best one yet. All goals were met and the bonus bag was worth over $100 USD. Thanks again for an early Christmas!

  4. Yogan says:

    Amazing feat finishing all 53 Stages, considering how slow we started, but the last week of the challenge we really ramped it up

  5. Albatross says:

    Using the drops you get from playing, the specials that you can trade for are awesome (all events, not just the challenge). More resources, more cargo space, bigger drops from derelicts and salvage… and more.

    These things are a huge help to all players, but especially to the ones who can’t afford to buy a lot of stuff from the store.

  6. Korthen says:

    Another great competition. Managed to claim all 20 prizes. Waiting for the Xmas top mech fight.

  7. Darakhoranon says:

    And here he goes again… 😉

    The events Coops runs regularly in this game are always “little work, big reward” ones. And if you have the time to play a little more (and feel like it), you can always get a HUGE reward instead.

    And that’s WITHOUT all the stuff he hands out for free (in addition to all this!) – it’s always a good idea to swing by the chat, for example. Quite often, you only have to post a “Hi Coops!” to get yet another goodie bag. 😉

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