Contracts for Ship Sales (UHL)

This one has been banging around for a while now and was really an oversight on my part when creating the Universal Hangar system. The main issue is if you want to trade a ship to a buddy at lets say less than the normal price. How do you stop some other eagle-eyed player nabbing the cheap sale.

Well problem solved. I have added within the U.H.L Hangar Sales screen (yes you will need a UHL Licence to access it) a new icon. You will find a handshake icon next to any ship you have that’s eligible.

This icon allows you to create a contract for the ship in question for another player. You get to enter their name and the cost (numbers only, please). Once the contract is created, they will be informed via PM. From your perspective, a log entry is added.

The player in question needs only open the Universal Hanger screen, and their contract will be displayed at the top of the ship listings. They can click to pay for the ship and the contract is completed. The funds are PM’d back to you along with a message informing you it’s complete, and a log entry is added.

The ship is then transferred into the player’s hands. They can either choose to leave it where ever it’s docked or move to that location to move it. It will automatically appear in their UHL listings like any other ship.

The person who creates the contract can also decide to cancel it. The handshake icon in the Hanger Sales screen will indicate that the contract can be cancelled. Simply click the icon, and you will receive confirmation that it’s been cancelled. Both parties will be PM’d and an entry placed in the logs.

First in what will likely be a long list of modifications to the game over the next few months. Keep the suggestions coming.

Footnote: Neither you nor the contract buyer have to go anywhere to facilitate the contract. As long as you can both access a UHL you can do everything remotely.


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