Battleship – Crafting Stage 2

Battleship – Crafting Stage 2

I suppose it’s really Battleship – Crafting Stage 1b – but let’s not get pedantic. :)

This week, I released the first wave of Factories that will set you up for the first real stages of starting to manufacture the sections of a Battleship. Those of you that have been looking will soon realise that whilst the requirements are not ‘terrible’ they do include some loots that are classified as indy loot. This means it comes predominantly from Settlement Combat Loot. Few other places as well, but It’s hard to get hold off.

Sure, if you have had a settlement for the last Decade you are probably falling over it, but it will soon dry up as more and more of it is required for the coming builds. So in turn, to try help out…

I’m today releasing 26 new Factories. These cover the bulk of the Settlement style Indy loot. These are ADV type Factories pumping out at 10 units per hour and have the standard 3 resource requirements.

You can get the Schematics from Coopers Schematic Supply and build your own OR you can support CE and purchase them from the CE Store OVER HERE

I’m off to start work on hammering the next stages into place whilst you ogle over these new factories and make your plans…


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