Battleship – Crafting Stage 1

OK, I will try to keep this short, but I will ask that you read this FULLY before rushing over to the chat to ask questions answered within this post :) First off this is NOT a guide on how to build a battleship, let’s get that clear. This is however a TOP LEVEL look down on how the process is going to work for you.

Normally I create a bunch of Schematics and push them out and let you all figure them out. Battleships will require some different level of thinking, and you will need to work with others to achieve the end goal or be a VERY dedicated player. No, that’s not a challenge. lol. The way I’m allowing you to create battleships means that pretty much every corner of the game will be needed to produce some elements or some of the resources required.

There are various tiers of the build, but they all come together, with Starbases being the Final stage to bring it all together. I have created a diagram, which I will publish here as an SVG (you should be able to open and resize in a compliant browser) and in PDF for those who can’t open it.

The diagram depicts the Areas of the Game that will be responsible for crafting that stage of the Battleship. I have colour coded them for ease of figuring it out, and I will later produce a textual list for the Blind.

OK, if you just rushed off to look at the diagrams, let me state clearly RIGHT NOW, those are NOT Schematics! They are ‘Sections’ which will be crafted by the various game sections (Corporations, Settlements, Genesis and finally Starbases) There will be a lot of player crafting involved to allow these sections to them be constructed / factory created in the various aforementioned sections of the game.

I’m going to be dropping a fair amount of new Schematics on the community over the next few months. But I will also be utilising some of the 3000+ ones that we have that can be crossed used for the building of Battleships. After all how many Sensor Suites do we need etc.

The FIRST stage of the build will require a new series of ‘Military’ based commodities. I’m releasing these today to kick-start the whole process, and over time I will release the next sections. Hopefully buy the time you have the last bits you will be ‘ready’ to build a Battleship. These initial commodities (Military) are build in a new series of Factories.

I have added 20 ADV Factories

Factory ADV – Electronics Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Energy Systems (Military)
Factory ADV – A.I Systems (Military)
Factory ADV – Coolant Systems (Military)
Factory ADV – A.D.V Construction (Military)
Factory ADV – Propulsion Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Weapon Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Science Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – A.D.V. Ducting (Military)
Factory ADV – Fighter Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Storage Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Navigation Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Life Support (Military)
Factory ADV – Comms Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Sensor Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Scanner Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – A.D.V. Systems (Military)
Factory ADV – Hull Plating (Military)
Factory ADV – Deflector Tech (Military)
Factory ADV – Engineering Tech (Military)

Plus for those wishing to cut down on the volume of Factories I have created four new IC factories. These are CES and do not require Structure Points.

CES Factory IC Military Rev 1
CES Factory IC Military Rev 2
CES Factory IC Military Rev 3
CES Factory IC Military Rev 4

The Factory ADV’s can be Player Crafted. You will find their schematics at the Coopers Schematic Supply. You will need to locate one on a Tech 12 planet to see them all. They also use some existing schematics, so not a complete fresh build for you crafters out there.

These are Also available on Sale for this month OVER HERE

The IC Military Rev factories are currently CE Store only and can be located OVER HERE. So build them separately, or grab the four IC versions to cover the 20 factory runs.

The eagle eyed amongst you will spot that all the Military Factory runs have FOUR resource requirements and not three like non-military factories. Other than that, they run exactly the same.

The next stage will be a small series of Factories that allow players to build the Industrial loot that’s seen from Settlements. I’ve had a lot of stick in the past including Settlement loot from the ‘non owners / lol even from the owners’. These will also be craftable for those planning ahead.

Following that I will start to release the BIG boys toys for the Settlements, Corporations, Genesis and Finally Starbases.

You will note I have NOT given any other details away at this time about Battleships themselves. At this time, I’m focusing on getting you the tools to build them. When we get closer to releasing items that will make a Difference on your Battleship build, I will POST on those subjects. Until then I’m keeping quiet.


P.S for those that skim read that and went right to the pictures :

OK, if you just rushed off to look at the diagrams, let me state clearly RIGHT NOW, those are NOT Schematics! They are ‘Sections’ which will be crafted by the various game sections (Corporations, Settlements, Genesis and finally Starbases) There will be a lot of player crafting involved to allow these sections to them be constructed / factory created in the various aforementioned sections of the game.

Battleship TOP OVERVIEW in SVG
Battleship TOP OVERVIEW in PDF

P.P.S The diagram is an early version that I used to separate out the build assignments. You will need to excuse it not being a polished well laid out ‘image’ it’s functional and I figured at that stage why not share it, so you could see the path ahead.

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