St Patrick Competition

OK this one is open to all and its really simple. But please make sure you READ THE RULES. As always we will simply ignore anyone who doesn’t follow the simple rules!

The Competition
As we are nearing St Patrick’s day lets see if you can spot a ‘Pat’ in a crowd. Simply find a passenger in the Union Offices or on-board your ship where the passenger name contains the word ‘Pat’. Any part of their name works male or female as long s it contains a ‘pat’ :)

#1 Only ONE entry per captain and only ONE name per entry!
#2 Duplicate names will not count – so check your the FIRST!
#3 Entry must include their NAME & Location spotted (if in your ship say so)

For each correct entry the captain will be awarded 1,000 Fuel Ticket.
We will award the prizes on the 17th itself in the afternoon (16:00 Game Time).

Remember 1 entry, 1 name and check your entries first against existing names. Also PLEASE no cross posting or ramblings keep the content short so we can check and award prizes with ease :)


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