Core-Exiles – Location Change

In an ever continuing move to keep up with the web and it’s myriad of issues and challenges it throws at us here at Core-Exiles I am planning to move the core-exiles code base to a new URL location. Simply put the game is moving from :

Old Location: … 4527268fa/

New Location:

The new URL location is far easier to remember ‘’

In fact you can use the new location RIGHT NOW if you wish. It’s live code that works off the Live database. So currently it doesn’t matter what location you reach Core-Exiles from you’re playing the same game. In the next few days we will be switching to the new address permanently and the old url will auto direct you to the new one.

What does this mean for me Coops?
Technically not a lot, but if you have sub pages within CE stored you may need to change the book marks. Both URL’s are https / SSL secure so no worries there. We have had a dozen players using the new url for the last week and so far they have reported Zero issues or visible changes.

To be clear its the SAME code and Same Database, all thats changed is where its stored. :)

I will be posting this IN game via Global PM to everyone but please pass this info on to your buddies, guildees and general CE friends.


Follow up Posted on May 28th:

OK, today I made the ‘Official Switch’ from the old URL to the new one at

If you have NOT yet replaced your book mark I suggest you do so. Although the more eagle eyed will have spotted that visiting the old login page will automatically redirect you to the new one. A few of you have also probably bookmarked other pages like the Promenade Finder, RAID, AI, Genesis pages etc.

These pages exist in the new location so please update your bookmarks. In the coming week I will be shutting down and removing the old install location of the game. IF you are having SSL certificate issues I might suggest giving this a quick read OVER HERE The post is a little old but still relevant to browsers getting their knickers in a twist with such things as ‘ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR’ and ‘This connection is Untrusted’.

If you see any other possible issues related to the move grab me in private in chat.

Best Wishes



  1. Captain sylven says:

    Nice Change, I like this New address. Very easy to remember.

  2. SpaceBucks says:

    No one likes change, especially my web browser.
    Thank you for giving us the information to fix the SSL issues. And keep the gameplay going.

    I have to say, I was hesitant with the new changes, but “play.core-exiles” is starting to grow on me!

  3. Captain Bethany says:

    It Lives!


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