+ 5 Deployment – Global Advanced Refinery

+ 5 Deployment – Global Advanced Refinery

Please Read Carefully : This is a captain upgrade. It increases your GLOBAL ability to deploy Five more Advanced Refineries to the Advanced Refinery Management screen. It does NOT affect how many slots appear at any specific advanced refinery management screen.

For those of you new to the game or have not yet delved in to Advanced Refineries, the Refineries you see dotted around in systems with Asteroid Fields have a section set aside for Advanced Refineries. This is called the Advanced Refinery Management screen. You will see a row of slots that you can deploy AMR refineries in to.

Each Refinery will allocate you Five spaces, but you are limited by a ‘Global’ Deployment. This is based on your Penworthy Industries Rank. This can be raised by earning XP with Penworthy Industries. Typically, running an AMR refinery will start to tick this over. As you level your Penworthy Faction, you will increase the number of Global Deployments you can make across the entire Refinery network.

Note: Each Refinery will ALSO only allocate you a certain amount of power per location, but again this is increased as you level up your Penworthy Faction. So the more you refine using the Advanced Refinery Management screens, the more you will be able to deploy over time.

So to wrap up : This add-on lets you bootstrap an extra 5 Deployments across the Refinery Network. These are ADDED to any existing Rank based deployments you may have earned. You will still need sufficient power at each location to deploy your AMR’s.

You can find this upgrade over in the Captain’s Upgrades OVER HERE


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