2nd Genesis Deployment Gets Underway

Gus Givens here with news on the next stage of the Genesis Project over in Verec-Per.

The collection phase of the project over on Tortoro was completed some time ago, yet there have been technical delays and security concerns over the second firing of a Genesis Device.

But the next stage has at long last been given the go ahead. Security is very high but the scientists have begun to assemble the next Genesis Device and it’s components.

Once they are ready the firing stage protocols will begin and a series of security measures will go into place in the Kalerd system. After all the device is akin to a gigantic bomb in some ways, so an explosion that big without control of the space lanes would be disastrous.

After a successful firing of the Genesis Device it is hoped that it will be only a matter of a few weeks before the planet will be in a state for the exploration phase. During this phase the Coalition Scientists will be collating as much data as they can on the project.

This is a great day for humanity, showing that captains and companies of all walks of life can work together to achieve a common task no matter how large it is.

We will keep you up-to-date on the Genesis Project status, so keep your dial set to ISN News.

Gus Givens
ISN News Desk

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