Union Expansion

Yesterday I expanded the locations that passengers will wish to go and are now allowed to go. Previously this was around 400 locations in game. This has now been expanded to 711. I have also up sized the Passenger list slightly to 94K and also set a time out on certain passengers. This ‘time out’ will mean that some passengers will take a ‘break’ from their travels and not wish to go onwards from that location for X days.

What does this mean to you – It means over time the passengers will spread out a bit more. It will take time as passengers are moved by YOU and not the system. When you drop a passenger off they will now decide to either move on and book a new ticket to a new location OR stop over in that location for a few days.

It also means that overall there are roughly another 20K of passengers in game at any one time looking for transportation.

WARNING : It also means that passengers can select destinations to places you MAY NOT BE ABLE to deliver them. By this I’m referring to Pirate locations and the Expanse. Pirate Players also watch out as they can also wish to be dropped off at GFS Starships (those in the AI wars).

I have this week blocked completely the generation of tickets to the AI planets and reseeded those looking to visit these locations. but the section above applies.

I will NOT reshuffle a passenger where you have picked them up without thinking about where they are going and can you get there. That’s your purview as a Union Passenger captain.

Drop Off
I have also today added a new ability for Union Captains. This is to ‘Drop Off’ Passengers and Groups at a docked location WHERE a passenger Union Office resides. In other words you must be able to see an passenger Office Icon to be able to drop off passengers and groups.

This method is a Forced ‘Frog March’ down the ramp drop off and a NOT a friendly all is well smiley method. So expect over time to begin to incur Faction drops and lower prices offered on tickets should you continue in this action.

The drop off s a LAST resort. A get out of Jail Card for those who mess up and take a passenger to the arse end of the Universe only to find they cant get there.


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