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OK, I am now officially back at the CE Helm Full Time (well, five days a week at a minimum). Things are a little more stable in my life and I can afford to spend some more time on the project that ‘is my life’ lol.

So my questions is this….

What would YOU like to see me work on the most… I have a whiteboard with close to 40 items listed… But I’m a developer and not a player, so it’s likely ‘My Timeline’ is vastly different to yours.

So I’m offering you all a chance to voice what you’d like to see added too, finished, initialised… You can create a short list or just list your number one change / add-on etc.

I’m not looking at this stage for Large extensive bolt-on’s or game wide changes but if you for instance like to see some love giving to Settlements, Corporations, Genesis Plots, Crew, Staffing etc, etc. Your list may cross over mine and that’s fine, but it will give me some vocal ‘Over here Coops’

Most of the good ideas in CE come from and HAVE come from suggestions, so if I’m missing something I started and never got to pour some love on let me know. Currently, as it stands, Starbases and Top level Settlements will be the grinders / crafters for the Battlebus / Hedgehog (Battleship) into and through the Nebula. This is the next and possible largest add-on to CE in a while, but whilst Starbases get to gripes with some new toys (coming their way) and I kick the battlebus idea around the staff room and Dev server I’d like to pay attention to what YOU would like to see in CE.

I’ll promise to READ EVERY post, but I cant promise to honour every request, but I will take your voices seriously. Of course the more that ask for the same thing…. well you know how that goes :)

From me Ben and Jerry have a good Sunday evening…


P.S you can Post Over here : https://www.community.core-exiles.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3615

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