November Festivities Begin
Let’s see if we can kick off the Novembers festivities!
Let’s recap. Last month you were collecting, handing in and generally being swamped in Pumpkins. We handed out over 11,000 of them via the Festive Ticker. There are a LOT of them still rolling around in Captain’s Holds. You have till Midnight on the 15th of November to deal with these pesky items. After that, they will vanish from your holds.
Today is the LAST DAY to trade them in for Halloween Pods at the Halloween Exchanges. – These close at Midnight Tonight. Of course, you can still just simply hand them into the Festive Centre for Festive points. Reminder that the Pumpkins will leave the game on the 15th (Midnight)
Reminder of Festive Dates Over Here
With November here, the Festive Ticker has been given a new mandate, and will begin handing out new types of festive items.
These items are as follows :
Thanksgiving Celebration 1 though 3
Movember Awareness Token (Large Festive Store Value)
Guy Fawkes Print 1 through 10
Festive NPC’s
Over the next 24 hours I begin to recall the Halloween NPC’s and start sending out a new swath of November Festive replacements. These staff will be looking for your Prints (Paintings). Meanwhile, you’ll soon begin to see competitions arrive in the Forums for collections of the other items. So keep them or trade them or swap them to friends and enemies, but keep some spare Just in Case!
I would start to keep 1 of each Thanksgiving Item for a Coops Hand in later (will Appear in the PM Section of your Captain’s console.)
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