Jakar Hybrid Systems – New Releases


Jakar Hybrid Systems have been hard at work behind the scenes for the last few months. They have been working with Coalition Scientists and even private companies in an effort to expand the range of options for Human based Expanse Settlements.

Today they have released a swathe of new modules and schematics that will enable Expanse Settlement owners to move their settlements forward and also expand their options.

These Buildings include:

Gleso Expanse Settlement Package
Settlement Expanse Production Center
Union Expanse Passenger Office
Settlement Expanse Repro Unit
Settlement Expanse Mine (Ore)
Settlement Expanse Mine (Gas)
Settlement Expanse Fabricator

Some of these creations had to be altered to work in the harsh Expanse environment, and therefore may exceed certain requirements of their lesser non Expanse versions.

Jakar Hybrid System also worked with the Naristro science division to release a new series of Generators for Human Expanse Settlements. These should help fill the void in the level Five range so desperately needed.

Xenferate Generator 1
Xenferate Generator 2

Lastly in a sign of good faith Jakar Hybrid System passed on construction plans to JR Galactic enabling them to construct a Settlement Expanse Emporium building. These have been in testing for a few days and have not gone on sale through J.R Galactic stores.

J.R have been gracious enough to keep the costs identical to the non expanse versions therefore passing on a great saving to you the public.

In Other News….

All the craft-able buildings listed above will shortly be added to the Official CE Store. This is so that Supporters can help us through these tough times and show their support.


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