Genesis – Prepping For Battle

It’s been a while in coming and this was due to several factors some in game and some real life but today we move one step closer to being able to use all those toys you have been creating over on your Genesis Plots.

Today I’m adding 8 new items to your Plans List. How many you can see and access will depend on your current level of Space & Ground construction research. These 8 plans are spit into 2 groups of Four. They are called Genesis Platform Deployment Systems.

So what does that mean Coops?

Well the War Fronts for the A.I are spread over many Galaxies in far flung distant corners of the Game. You are all (currently) working on a single Genesis Deployment location which may or may not be close to one of the War Fronts.

The G.P.D’s are designed to enable you to load them (up to their maximum carry limit) and then deploy them on to a War front of your choosing. You won’t even have to leave your armchair!

You will see that on your Genesis Management Overview screen under the Aurora Builds tab, that each item you’ve been building is now displaying a D.P.P.U. This is the Deployment Points Per Unit. As each G.P.D you craft has a maximum Deployment Points value you will need to consider what you plan to take to the war front.

Can We deploy Now?
Not quite yet – this stage allows for you to build some G.P.D’s first, plan a load-out and get ready. We will continue to tweak adjust and hit things with large hammers. When you can start your deployments we will let you know.

The next stage will allow you to ‘Load’ a chosen G.P.D and then deploy it to a War Front of your choosing. Then the fun begins :)

So for now, plan your load-outs (you can calculate what will fit ahead of time) and make sure you’re ready.

Genesis – Non War Front?
For those of you not war front related (IE You couldn’t care less if the A.I overrun the Galaxy and make mankind their bitch slaves) We are working on a new category for the Plans section, and items for your Genesis Aurora to pump out. These will form parts of builds crafters will require later.

What are they for….? – I could tell you, but then Prev would have to Kill you with his nail gun :)


One Comment

  1. Poltergist says:

    Sounds good – I have just started Aurora builds, small stuff, but as the superstore says “every little helps”

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