Festive Fun Tokens
We are about to start our Easter Festivities, these will run on for the rest of the month capping out at the end. But rather than just the usual gaggle of Festive items and competitions I thought lets add something slightly new.
So I created ‘Festive Fun Tokens‘ – You can review how many you have from your Bio Screen under ‘Personal’. Initially I have given everyone 20 free tokens just for the hell of it!
What can I do with these tokens Coops ?
Damn Glad you asked!
The Festive Tokens can be spent with any Sally Langstrom you find. She’s a Festive NPC that agreed to control all the remote terminals that were installed today (find her in the Finder Folks) She will help you to further understand the tokens and their use.
As the festive ‘episodes’ roll on by we will add them to the system. Each set of images will have their own rewards and it’s up to you when you choose to spend the tokens.
This system will add another global method for getting something for nothing – LOL I know how you like that
This system won’t replace the normal competitions, give-aways and organised mayhem, but it will hopefully add to it
How to get more Tokens? This question will no doubt be the one question you will all want to know the answer too. Well they will come in the form of Competition rewards, General handouts and will over the coming weeks be eased into the game mechanics. That way you will find them popping up from time to time.
Also just to put any rumours to bed, these will NOT appear in the CE store. So they are not a gimmick to make money, they are for you guys to have a chance to get something back – for playing.
After 5 years playing here this game still keeps me Interested and Challenged. Best Ever Online Game. 5 Stars.