Festive Agents on the Loose

The Festive Agents for December have all been assigned their posts and given a wish list for rewards. These Festive staff are ready to begin handing out prizes to captains who have what they need.

This Christmas the representative were sent to every Galaxy. These guys are looking for the multitude of Christmas festive items that you will be picking up in the coming month. Each offers a prize and a bonus XP amount for each set handed in.

Visit them here :

Blake – Casmar Station
Yam – Coalition 1
Feris – Medical Station Gentry
Dashan – Furia Station
Fieron – Hamlin Outpost
Zarante – Berolina
Tornsul – Ceuv
Trantor – Fujimori
Jaster – Starbase-101

On other news there is also word that San Ticlaws will be making a come back this year to reward all those Captains that have been good! – Errr you have been good right ? Keep an eye out for his return on Starbase-51 in the near future.


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