Expanse Minos Arrives

Been a while coming this one. Mainly due to the fact that I just didn’t feel there was much of a great need for it till now. But, we currently have a large Percentage of the active players moving in and around the Expanse. Player settlements have allowed this to grow, and adding this last item will make life in the expanse ‘that much easier’ for those Playing / Working there.

There are already two versions of the Minos Pod out there. These versions have not been touched, but this new range is modded off the Galactic Version. They start at level 60 and give a dual hybrid option when used in the Expanse.

When activated within the Expanse, you will be offered two options. The first is based off your ‘Explored Space’ IE the systems you can ENTER within the Expanse. After all I’m sure you don’t want to send items to locations you are not able to visit ‘yet’. The second option allows for Normal distance based transportation based on the Pod’s Distance value.

These pods can ALSO be used OUTSIDE the expanse. In this case you only get the standard option and again its based on the pods distance rating.

Like the other Mino’s devices they are ‘Single Fit’. IE you cannot mix and match.

Here’s hoping you have saved a little for Christmas – These pods are live in the store. Also as we have a discount active at the moment, they are 25% off their standard price.

You can find them OVER HERE


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