Coops Christmas Hand-in

OK Folks… time for this one!

You’ve all be collecting the San Ticlaws items for the last 10 days or so. This one is using the new(er) method from the Private Messages Screen. Makes it Waaaay easier for you to hand in Large sets of items like this one.

A reminder, the page will auto check you have the items ON your ship and that you have ALL the items required. It will also check that you have not already handed in, as this is a one time only hand in.

Items Required:

San Ticlaws Decorations (4)
San Ticlaws Candy (3)
San Ticlaws Sack (1)
San Ticlaws Gift (3)
San Ticlaws Snowman (3)
San Ticlaws Festive Display (4)
San Ticlaws Festive Tree (2)

Numbers in brackets indicates how many items in each set.


1 X Exile Resource Tokens
10K Fuel Ticket
500 Barter Points
500 Festive Points

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