Coops Challenge No 17

17th Coops Challenge

Sat 16th – Sun 31st of July

The next Coops Challenge is now locked in for the 16th to the 31st (inclusive). Start end times I’ll announce a little closer to the start date. This will be number 17!

If you have not taken part in a ‘Coops Challenge’ you will find that I launch a major competition to complete a massive set of server Wide challenges. Each one has 3 or four stages and each time you complete one you add to the end pot of rewards – Server Wide.

Pretty much every profession and action is CE is counted in some way, so for many players it’s just a case of ‘play as normal’ and keep an eye on the channel status. (Fresh Page will be released for in and out of game review at any time).

I normally also run a MECH WAR during these challenges, and this is also part and parcel these days of the challenge. Store up all your mech parts (Festive Packs go a long way with these) – don’t rush out and start making them just yet, hang on till closer to the day.

You have over 2 weeks to take part and complete the Server Challenge to lots of time to get involved. I will, closer to the time, release more notes and on the day post a ‘Here we go post’.

Thanks for taking part in the Core-Exiles Universe! Tell your friends and most of all have fun!


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