Blue Monday!

It’s Blue Monday today and I wanted to reach out and say a ‘Big Thank You’ to all those reading this. CE is more than just a game. It’s a community of like minded people from all the corners of the globe!

From those stuck behind the Chinese Firewall, to the players from Australia and New Zealand, to the shores of the Philippines and the snow blown climbs of Canada.

We have players on active duty logging in from a tent in the sand, to those who find 20 mins each day to log into their local coffee shop wifi, or those on the way to work on the train or the bus to play, we all enjoy our daily dose of Sci-fi.

So to all of you I say thank you – I hope your day is somewhat brighter by playing and that you all know you’re part of a community!

I hope we put a small smile on your face if even for a while today.

Remember to reach out and talk to a friend or even a stranger today!

CE Dev.

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