Sell Bob Schematics

OK, today I have added a Sell button for those pesky unwanted Bob Schematics :)

You need to be in ‘Your Schematic’s view from the ‘View Assets Tab’. From here those sections that have Bob Schematics in them will have a new Sales amount figure and also a Sell button.

When bob creates his toys he uses a normal item in the DB to build the new Bob artifact off. So they already have a sell value. This is used as the basis for the Schematic tab value. So its fair across the board from level 5 to 210. (yes items in the DB go up to 210 now.

When sold a note is added to your Captain Log.

NOTE: The sell option is ONLY available for Bob items. I’m not about to start letting players buy a Schematic for say a Settlement Building, create it then sell the schematic.

Hope this keeps the peace over the growing pile of Schematics…



  1. Lost Queen says:

    : )

    I swear using this option and selling these schematics is the only way I’m making money these days.

    : )

  2. Morzorak says:

    At first, with the frequency of Bob’s emails, you might think, ‘Who is this Bob guy spamming me?’ Actually, Bob is pretty cool and helpful. Now even more so as you can sell the extras? Bob is not spam, but ‘spam mail’ could learn a lot from him.

  3. Kasztan says:

    Nice feature, always good to see extra credits on account and Bob likes to give free schematics pretty often.

  4. Danik says:

    So… this guy called Bob… he just send these plans for really nice things you can make… free… like… all the time… free… annd now, if you dont want to make them… you can sell the plans right back at him?

    Madness. Must be a coding error.

  5. Lonedrow says:

    Love this option.

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