Viper20 Enters Osundu!

Hi there Folks, Gus Givens here with some amazing news!

You remember those intrepid Captains, those ones that were all itching to get out into the Expanse a number of years back? You know the type, they live in the void, they love the darkness and their ships AI a little too much. Well it appears one of them has crossed over into the Osundu System!

This system marks the boundaries of the Naristro Home world systems. No human has seen inside these systems, so this news is really NEWS!

A broadcast was sent out (wide spectrum) from the Naristro Space Exploration Council. Apparently they set up a special branch to monitor humans in the Expanse. They seem pleased with us on many fronts and the arrival of Captain Viper20 caused quiet a stir in the Osundu system.

He was contacted by Enschor Relat. A high ranking member of the N.S.E.C and informed of the councils approval and was even honoured with several Alien Gifts.

Captain Viper20 has so far declined an interview at this time, but with him being so deep into the Expanse communications are patchy at best. Not to worry though folks, as soon as he returns from the Expanse, we will have him on the show. From what we can tell Captain Viper20 has continued on through the system and is now working his way on towards the Raduk system.

Meanwhile I believe the Coalition Military have sent a Sec-Con courier to debrief the captain as soon as he returns.

Everyone here at ISN News would like to wish Captain Viper20 all the best and a major high five for such an achievement!

Gus Givens Signing Off
ISN News Desk


  1. Navile says:

    Viper20, well done! Can you confirm rumours that Osundu’s promenade features an Alliance Combat Office and a store that sells nothing but Hammer Reactor Mk 6’s ?

  2. Dvg125 says:

    He was just fleeing from all the complaints that Rexx has been piling up every time he lands on a planet.

  3. Albert Ross says:

    Viper’s first words:- Now where the hell is that big bird, the albatross.

  4. Rexx Shredd says:

    I hope Viper20’s first words were, ” I am here to spread the glory that is Rexx!”

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