Get the Flags Out….

Not that any of you will need telling – but the FIFA World Cup starts on the 12th of this month and runs through till the 13th of July. Last time we had our first World Cup fun and added 32 Flags to the game. These were collectable throughout the world cup and a Full set (1 of each) could be handed in for a special prize.

This year will be no different but there will be a few small changes.

We will be running the same competition (different prize to be announced) and you will still need a FULL set (1 of each flag) to qualify for a prize. There will be a World Cup Office opened for this process. Once opened you can begin handing in.

Along side this we will be placing several other NPC’s dotted around the Galaxies to collect ‘special item sets’ in turn for Festive Fun Tokens. We will also be changing out the Festive Fun Matching sets.

We will also be running give-aways in the Forums, over on Facebook, Via twitter and some special staff run give-aways in IRC. These will run from the 12th through and up till the final day of the World Cup.

Lastly : We are going to start instigating a new policy with regards to things like these events world cup, Olympics, and large set collections. Exactly one month after the World Cup completes all Flags will self terminate and remove themselves from the game. So if you have flags left over after the WC ends hand them in for Festive Points. No point trying to collect a set for the next time round :)

I hope you have fun this year and enjoy some of the events and special give-aways we have in store.


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