Merry Christmas

Well, as I write this it’s Christmas Eve here, and those of you playing in our planet’s more southern locations will be getting ready for a visit from Santa already. So I wanted to wish you one and ALL a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I shall be around Christmas Day to check on San Ticlaws collection and also check the Christmas Party Collection status and kick off with some much deserved presents and rewards server wide. But…..

Over the next week I will be running a lot of ‘one shot’ giveaways in chat.

But here’s some extra Special rewards to get ready for….. (Please take notes there will be a short quiz at the end) :)

Below, I’m listing SEVEN catchphrases. Each one if for the next Seven days, starting the morning of the 25th, ending on Midnight New Year’s Eve! All you have to do is come in to chat and holler out the Catchphrase as written below. You must have the correct phrase, and you must ensure it has an active @coops in it. (I’ll use the discord system to highlight my name calls so I can check back each time I come into chat and see who I might have missed in any absences.

Each catchphrase has a specific reward attached and will be awarded when I process your ‘Christmas Holler’ :)

Now, there is a small % of our players that are blind or visually impaired that cannot use Discord for one reason or another, so for those players I’m willing to accept a post OVER HERE. That doesn’t mean you can post all Seven festive Hollers at once, you still need to make the festive effort :)

Days, Catchphrases & Rewards

25th – Festive Cheer to all fellow Players, have a great Christmas Day! – @coops
Reward – 5,000K Fuel Ticket, 1 x Exiles Resource Token!

26th – Turkey sandwiches all round – Happy Christmas one and all! – @coops
Reward – 5,000K Fuel Ticket, 1 x Exiles Resource Token!

27th – Festive Cheer, my fellow Exiles! – @coops

Reward – 5,000K Fuel Ticket, 1 x Exiles Resource Token!

28th – What day is it, have we stomped enough staff yet? – @coops
Reward – 5,000K Fuel Ticket, 1 x Exiles Resource Token!

29th – Festive Fun & best wishes to All my fellow players! – @coops
Reward – 5,000K Fuel Ticket, 1 x Exiles Resource Token!

30th – We nearly made it one more day to go! Have a good one fellow Exiles! – @coops
Reward – 5,000K Fuel Ticket, 1 x Exiles Resource Token!

31st – Happy New Year, 2022 Here We come! – @coops
Reward – 5,000K Fuel Ticket, 1 x Exiles Resource Token!

So that’s SEVEN catchphrases for Seven Specific days. No you can’t use one from the wrong day and no you can post them all on the same day or even one after the other. The point is you come into chat take part and join in the festive cheer. I will be checking up on my ‘pings’ from the use of my name and handing out that days or the previous evenings holler rewards as and when I come in and out of chat.

Don’t forget BLIND / VI use the afore linked thread for your posts, but again they must be the right holler on the right day.

Q: Coops we are on different timezones, what if my day falls outside yours.
A: Simple all shouts will be based on GAME TIME – enter the game check the footer, and you will know what Time and DAY you’re ‘officially on’.

Follow-Up note: Please post the hollers in main #general-ce chat. This is important or I may miss them. Please don’t PM them to me as that bypasses the whole point of the ‘festive part of this’ :) Also don’t expect in game PM’s to be accepted either. :)

I will also be giving away the Kitchen sink in chat over the next Seven days, I will work on the first to respond or get the correct answer wins. Don’t be greedy, if you’ve won a prize off my from my giveaways in the last hour, give someone else a chance. Let’s spread the festive cheer and not try to hog it all in one corner of the chat :)

OK have fun and speak to you in chat later!


P.S Can I ask (due to the rewards) that we keep this to your Main Characters only, let’s not have Alt after Alt jumping in and out :)
Also, Staff MAY take part!

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